The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympics.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Plan B From New York

It seems that all is not yet lost, for the plans to build a stadium in New York for the 2012 Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee is going to allow New York to submit a Plan B, for the Olympic Stadium, thereby "pulling New York's nuts out of the fire" in respect of its desire to host the 2102 Games.

Giselle Davies, IOC spokeswoman, is quoted as saying:

"The IOC would allow an alternative proposal..It would need to go to the executive board for review [and] approval."

Davies noted that, as a "general rule", the city's bid was closed when the IOC evaluation commission completed its visit to New York in February.

The use of Plan B, contradicts Mayor Bloomberg's insistence that an alternative was impossible.

On Monday, a state panel rejected plans to build a stadium on Manhattan's West Side. This gave rise to Mayor Bloomberg suggesting that New York withdraw.


"There's no chance the stadium could be built elsewhere and help us with the Olympics because what the rules of the IOC are - you have to submit a plan..It can't have backups or anything. It can have one plan, and you have to follow that plan."

As yet no details as to what Plan B actually is, have been provided.

It is also suggested that the bid committee might go to Singapore with a modified Plan A, that would include the West Side stadium and an alternate site.

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