The Olympics
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Dow Sponsorship Criticised
India's Olympic body is to demand that the sponsorship deal is axed, because of its ties to the Bhopal disaster in 1984 (Dow purchased Union Carbide 16 years after the disaster).
Reuters quotes the Indian Olympic Association's acting president, Vijay Malhotra, who said:
"We are proposing to write to the IOC London Olympics that this sponsor should be out of it.
Since these games are for friendship it should not be one of the sponsors."
It is not clear what action the body would take if its request was rejected, as India has already ruled out a boycott.
Barry Gardiner MP has backed India's campaign to have Dow dropped as a sponsor. He has called for an inquiry into the tender process, that led to the company being granted the deal to sponsor a temporary wrap to decorate the Olympic stadium.
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
CRB Checks on Torchbearers
However, according to Locog, previous convictions may not stop them from carrying the torch; Locog will make a "judgement call".
I assume those previously convicted of arson will be disqualified from carrying the torch?
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Olympics Budget Warning
"The government received a damning blow to its reputation for "financial competence" (I use that phrase with heavy irony) yesterday, when the Public Accounts Committee accused it of "wishful thinking" over the "budget" (an exaggerated term for the back of an envelope calculations) prepared by those "in charge" of the London 2012 Olympics.
The Committee warned that taxpayers may well have to pay more than the current £12BN (including £2BN running costs) estimated for the games."
It seems that others are finally waking up to the dangers of an overspend on the "movable feast" of the Olympics budget.
A report criticising a number of key aspects of the organisation of Olympics (including its budget), compiled by the National Audit Office over the last year, has been published today.
The Washington Post quotes Amyas Morse, the head of the National Audit Office:
"The government is confident that there is money available to meet known risks, but, in my view, the likelihood that the games can still be funded within the existing 9.3 billion-pound public sector funding package is so finely balanced that there is a real risk more money will be needed.”
Unfortunately, the NAO has its figures wrong. It has ignored the £2BN running costs, which put the current "budget" at £12BN.
Not a great start!
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Monday, December 5, 2011
Olympics Budget Broken Again
The Olympics Minister, Hugh Robertson, unconvincingly tried to use a Gordon Brown trick of describing it as an "investment".
It seems that Locog (which was meant to pay for the ceremonies) can't run its operations within budget, and that "tedious" things such as security expenditure for the games have pushed it into the red.
For reasons best known to those who are regulating and "controlling" the forthcoming games, Locog is not subject to public scrutiny because it is a private company.
Surely someone should have ensured that the company that "organises" the games (whether it was private or public) was subject to public scrutiny, given that it is spending our money?
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Iran Olympics Boycott?
It is not clear as to whether this particular rumour is true or not. However, the talk about Iran possibly boycotting the games is not new.
In February this year the Iranians were making nosies about boycotting the games because of their dislike of the Olympics logo:
"The National Olympic Committee of Iran has sent a letter to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) complaining about the logo of 2012 London Olympic Games.
For why?
Apparently, the logo says "Zion"???!!"
In other words, the threat of an Iranian boycott is nothing more than "business as usual".
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Friday, November 25, 2011
It's Not a Wrap!
"Dow, the chemical company with an "interesting" history, will be allowed to promote and display its logo on certain sections of the Olympic Stadium after winning the right to produce the £6M "wrap" that will cover the exterior of the stadium."
People have finally woken up to Dow's controversial past.
The Indian government is still pursuing Dow for £1.1BN of compensation for the victims of the Bhopal disaster (Dow purchased Union Carbide 16 years after the disaster).
Pressure is mounting on Locog to abandon its deal with Dow.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thomas Cook
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Kirpans Allowed
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Friday, November 18, 2011
Corruption, Football and Sport
The Telegraph reports that a second man has been arrested in connection with police investigations over the Tottenham Hotspur bid to use the stadium after next year's Olympic games.
The arrest follows allegations that investigators working for Tottenham Hotspur illegally obtained private telephone and banking records during the stadium-bidding process.
Spurs deny this.
The arrest comes on top of reports that accountants PKF, the company hired by Tottenham to carry out investigations during the Olympic Stadium bid, have admitted passing on copies of Karren Brady’s illegally obtained telephone records to The Sunday Times.
Allegations of corruption in football and sport, who would have thought it?
I dare say the white elephant of the stadium can be used as a prison after the games, if anyone is found guilty of these allegations.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
The Meter's Ticking Guv!
Seemingly members are "concerned" about the increase in traffic restrictions etc during the Games.
I dare say that the Tube drivers' recent £1200 Olympics bonus settlement may well have had a bearing on this issue!
The Olympics are not about sport, but are about money.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Clusterfuck of Ineptitude - Olympics Airbrushes Belfast
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Spying Game
Baroness Ford, Chairman of the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC) told the London Assembly that all 14 OPLC board members had been spied on.
Baroness Ford told the London Assembly (as per the BBC):
"My board were put under surveillance by Tottenham Hotspur and the chairman of Tottenham Hotspur felt confident enough to say that in the Sunday Times several months ago, that all 14 members of my board were put under surveillance.
The Metropolitan Police are now conducting an investigation into that surveillance.
There has been all kinds of behaviour here that I could not have anticipated which, believe me, has not been pleasant in the last 12 months.
I'm expecting the unexpected because that's what the last 12 months has told me.
Our job now is to narrow, as far as we possibly can, the scope now for legitimate legal challenge in this next process. That is all that we can do.
If people want then to be vexatious, frivolous and vindictive or whatever they want, they will do that."
Dirty tricks involving football and sport?
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Monday, November 7, 2011
What could be a better "investment" than tickets to watch the London 2012 Olympics?
Jeremy Hunt's department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) has applied for, and has been allocated, 8,846 tickets to the London 2012 Olympics.
Isn't it funny that Hunt and his cronies managed to get their full allocation of tickets, yet many ordinary citizens who applied haven't?
Anyhoo, the cost to the taxpayer of this "investment" is £750K.
I am sure that you will all agree that this is money "well spent"!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Prats - Mole Valley District Council and LOCOG
The council and LOCOG are trying to dictate to local residents the colour schemes of their plant displays and hanging baskets.
For why?
LOCOG want a “vibrant colour palette”, and have even specified which flowers to use; because the Olympic cycle route will pass through the area during next year's games.
My advice to the residents of Mole Valley is to tell these prats to piss off!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011
Commuters Told To Get Pissed
Precisely how many pints will one need to consume before the Olympic crush "melts" away?
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Friday, October 14, 2011
Streakers Face £20K Fines
The proof of how money focused the Olympics are, can be seen in the stringent rules that will be enforced during next year's London 2012 games.
An amendment to the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 aims to target unofficial, or ambush, marketing and could cover anyone who tries to use their bodies to flash an advert for a company.
This means that if a streaker were to run across the track with a logo painted on his/her body, he/she could be fined £20K.
That sounds almost like a challenge to some brave souls!
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Thursday, October 13, 2011
Terminal Six
Heathrow management expect 7% more passengers than it has ever "processed" on that specific day. As such, the new temporary terminal six will be housed in a cargo area of Heathrow and will have eight security lanes.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Stadium Deal Collapses
The stadium will remain in public ownership after the games, and be leased out to a tenant following a new tender process.
The cost of transforming it after the 2012 Games will be met by the Olympic Park Legacy Company (OPLC).
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Monday, October 3, 2011
An Olympic Pain in The Arse
It has been estimated by Transport for London (TfL) that journey times on some of London's roads could more than double during the Olympics.
There will be an extra 5.3 million visitors in London during the games.
The "good" news is that the Tube drivers have a secured a pay deal worth £50K a year to them, so no danger at all of the Tube drivers going on strike then!;)
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Contingency Tickets Delayed
Locog had planned to release them in December. However, it seems that deciding on the final seating configurations of the Olympic venues will take longer than anticipated.
All very well, maybe. However, by the time the final batch of tickets are released the cost of accommodation and sundry items (that also need to be booked) will have risen.
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Monday, September 19, 2011
Mrs Unwin had been planning, along with other members of the British Sugarcraft Guild, an exhibition of sugar skills on the theme of the Olympics next year.
However, the International Olympic Committee have banned the use of any Olympic logos or symbols at next year's exhibition.
Mrs Unwin will instead decided to use the flags of different countries attending the Olympics for her decorations.
As noted before on this site, the Olympics are about money not sport.
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
On what?
Telling Londoners to leave London and go on holiday in the UK!
Aside from the fact that is is a completely absurd waste of money, Hunt is rather deluding himself about the budget:
1 The current "budget" is in fact £12BN (if you include the running costs).
2 The original budget was around £3BN (£12BN is hardly "within budget" is it?).
3 We are in a recession.
This is a totally daft idea, and a scandalous waste of money!
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tube Workers Bribed
The Olympic organisers, ever keen to present the world with the impression that London is capable of hosting the 2012 Olympics, has come up with a terrific wheeze to ensure that comrade Bob Crow and his lackeys don't spoil the party by refusing to run the Tube beyond its normal closing time of around midnight-1:00AM.
The solution?
Simple, bribe the staff!
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The True Legacy of The 2012 Olympics
It has the dubious distinction of being Europe's largest shopping centre, with over 300 shops, 70 restaurants, a 14-screen cinema, three hotels and Britain's largest casino.
Lucky Stratford!
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Ticket Reallocation
First the good news...
A dozen London boroughs did not to take up their free ticket allocation, on the grounds that they did not want paying members of the public to be deprived of a chance to see the games.
Now the bad news..
The tickets that were not taken up have not been put back into the "pot" for purchase by the public, but have in fact been reallocated for free to politicians at Newham, Barking and Dagenham, Greenwich, Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Waltham Forest.
For those of you interested in statistics, a grand total of 14,000 tickets have been set aside for government officials while two in three public applicants failed to secure any of their ticket order.
Good isn't it?
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hell On Earth
There will be an estimated population influx of two million people to the capitol during the period of the games (27 June - 16 September).
Continuity Central warn that organisations should prepare themselves for disruptions due to the expected influx of journalists, athletes and tourists into the country.
It is estimated that there will be half a million extra public transport journeys in London a day. On top of this many major roads will be closed due to sporting activities and movements of people.
Paul Eskriett, Principal Security and Contingency Planning Advisor from The City of London Corporation, warned:
"It is essential that your organisation fully prepares for the event. There will be up to three hour delays on public transport, potential terrorist activity, criminal activity, public disorder and domestic extremism."
It seems that the best thing to do will be to leave town during the games.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Spurs Granted Judicial Review
Mr Justice Collins, a High Court judge, ruled there are sufficient grounds for a review into the process by which West Ham were unanimously chosen as the preferred bidder to take over stewardship of the arena by the Olympic Park Legacy Committee (OPLC).
The hearing will take place in the High Court on October 18.
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Monday, August 22, 2011
Stadium Decision Upheld
The review concluded that there is no reason to re-open the bidding process.
However, irrespective of the outcome of the review, it appears that Spurs still want a judicial review and are due to present evidence at an oral hearing at the High Court on Wednesday.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Red Neck Olympics Threatened
For why?
The US Olympic Committee believes that it owns the word "Olympics".
However, as Harold Brooks (the organiser of the Red Neck Olympics) quite rightly pointed out to Fox News:
"It’s a word that was used the ancient Greeks.
This is just a bunch of rich people looking out for other rich people.
It’s sickening that if you own a lot of money, you can own everything – even a word."
As noted many times before on this site, the Olympics (not the Red Neck one) are about money not sport.
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Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Bottom Line
In exchange for an undisclosed sum, the pair will wear bikini briefs with a Quick Response (QR) code printed on the back. The code, when photographed on a smartphone, will take users to Betfair's website.
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Monday, August 8, 2011
Olympic Greed
The Telegraph reports that London hotels intend to treat tourist as prostrate milch cows eg:
- A double room at the Sheraton Park Tower, in Knightsbridge, this month costs £209 a night. The price quoted for a stay in August next year is £605.
- A night at the West London, in Leicester Square, costs around £290 this August. The same room during the Games will cost just under £540.
- The Berjaya Hotel in Kensington, goes for broke and intends to increase some of its room rates by a factor of 10. Rates typically range from £89 to £199. For every day of the Olympics, the price is £999 a night.
As noted many time before on this site, the Olympics are not about sport but are in fact about money.
Given the ongoing financial turmoil, it is to be hoped that these greedy hoteliers get their fingers well and truly burned for their naked opportunism.
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Thursday, August 4, 2011
It's A Wrap!
Seemingly once the games are over the "wrap" will be "repurposed", whatever that means in plain English!
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Severe Travel Disruption
"We are expecting six weeks of severe travel disruptions across the transport network, which could affect your employees, customers, contractors, visitors and suppliers."
Are the games really worth all of this disruption, given that London's transport infrastructure is already obsolete and overstretched?
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Secuirty Matters
The students will undergo Criminal Records Bureau checks, but previous criminal convictions will “not necessarily preclude” their involvement.
The student security guards will be employed under a scheme called "Bridging the Gap", which does not require them to have a security industry authority licence when working at the Games.
A "bold" initiative!
Minor criminal convictions are not so much of an issue. However, the lack of experience of the security personnel is a major issue.
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Monday, August 1, 2011
No Escape
As a foretaste of the wall to wall coverage during the games, the BBC intends to cover every mile of the 70 mile torch relay, live.
The Olympic torch's journey around Britain starts on May 19, and ends at the Olympic Stadium in London on July 27.
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Ooh The Irony!
I am gemused to read that, despite the attempts by the authorities in London to clear the streets of the homeless in time for next year's Olympic Games, some people still understand the concept of "inclusivity".
Therefore my compliments to the thousands of fans have joined an online campaign to get a elderly tramp from Bournemouth to carry the Olympic torch.
The Mail reports that Gordon Roberts, 82, has got the support of 4,500 people who plan to nominate him as their 'inspirational member of the community'.
The question is, will he be allowed to carry the torch in London?
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
Going For A Bong

I am gemused to read the public spat between the upper echelons of the Olympics (past and present) over proposals to relax the punishment for athletes who get caught taking illegal drugs for recreational purposes (as opposed to taking them to improve their performance).
Lord Coe said:
"You want to be part of this project, then don't take drugs."
The trouble is Lord Coe has forgotten (or chooses to ignore) that coffee, fags and booze are also drugs. Whilst they are perfectly legal, they still are drugs (some of which, I am sure, our top class athletes do use on occasions).
The issue is not the drugs per se, by society's hypocritical attitude to "legal" and "illegal" drugs.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The True Legacy of The Games
Charities claim that homeless people are being "harassed" (under the guise of "Operation Poncho", a joint council/police initiative) in order to meet the Olympic target of zero homelessness on the streets of London in 2012.
Moving a problem elsewhere is not a solution, merely a cosmetic enhancement.
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
London's Obsolete Transport System
In theory, London 2012 is meant to be the "public transport games".
There is of course a wide gap between aspirations and reality. London's transport infrastructure suffers from a lack of investment and capacity. Hence the services are inadequate and overcrowded.
Transport for London (TfL) are aware of many of the problems, eg they have warned that it may take an hour to get on a train at St Pancras station (where the Javelin train will depart for Stratford).
TfL's solution?
They are mounting a campaign to ask people to commute less (they need a 30% fall in commuter numbers)!
Sadly it seems that the word "obsolete" applies not only to the infrastructure and capital equipment, but also to the thinking within TfL.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
The Real Legacy of The Games
The two storey 3,000 sq metre leviathan will seat up to 1,500 people, and will be one of the four McDonald's restaurants built in and near the Olympics park.
Now that's the true "legacy" of the games.
Makes you proud to be British doesn't it?!
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Tourism To Fall
The Independent reports that London & Partners (the official agency behind promoting tourism for London) has admitted that the 2012 Olympic Games could lead to a fall in visitors to London 2012.
For why?
People do not want to come to a city with over-crowded transport, a lack of/high prices for hotel rooms, and which resembles a building site.
Who blames them for not wanting to come?
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tickets Charged Twice
Ticketmaster, who are managing the Olympic ticket system, described the glitch as a “processing error” and are apologising to everyone who has been affected and are refunding their money.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Don't Believe The Hype
Well, before you pop the champagne corks, you may care to bear in the mind the following:
1 The "economic study" was published by Visa (one of the main sponsors of the event, who have a vested interests in people maxing out their credit cards).
2 During the the Beijing Games overseas visitors spent a mere £93M during the whole of the games.
£ The games are "budgeted" to cost around £12BN (including £2BN running costs).
Don't believe the hype!
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Friday, July 8, 2011
Coe Appeals For Tickets
Fat chance!
Why give away so many in the first place then?
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Establishment Weighs In
The establishment doesn't want the row to delay plans for the stadium
Well, of course it doesn't!
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Monday, July 4, 2011
Another Court Case
Why does this matter?
It matters because West Ham were selected by OPLC to have the stadium after the games, against competition from Tottenham Hotspur.
Ironically, according to the Telegraph, Knight also previously worked for Newham Council, West Ham's partner in the stadium bid.
West Ham are not best pleased with the media slant and insinuations, and have launched legal action against Tottenham Hotspur and the Sunday Times over claims of the "secret" payments.
The concept of "secret cash payments" relating to football is hardly new, if FIFA's soiled reputation is anything to go by. However, if West Ham have been unfairly maligned they are right fight for their reputation. That being said, they should bear in mind that it is not just the "legal susbtsance" of these payments but how they look to everyone else that have done the damage.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Spurs Fight On
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Olympic Ticket Farce
There will be a third "opportunity" to buy tickets in December.
However, why go through the stress and expense of trying to buy tickets?
Why not simply watch it in comfort in front of the TV?
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Monday, June 27, 2011
La Grande Olympic Ticket Farce
Despite being heralded as an opportunity for British sporting fans to buy tickets, it transpires that sporting fans from the EU have also been snapping up tickets (even though their countries had already been allocated tickets).
For why?
EU free trade rules prohibit EU citizens from being excluded.
Figures from the first round ballot of tickets show that EU citizens managed to obtain 150,000 tickets. Figures are not yet available for the second round.
It's a funny old world where British fans/taxpayers (who are subsidising this event) are treated so shabbily by Locog.
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Friday, June 24, 2011
Second Chance Ticket Shambles
However, as with all things IT Olympic there appear to be some glitches in the processing of payments etc. Some hapless purchasers have reported that their payment attempts were bounced by the system.
The word "shambles" is being used by many.
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Greed - Locog Ban 2012
For why?
Locog claimed that 2012 "widely refers" to next year's Olympics, and if Ms Benson used the date it would interfere with its ability to raise funds from sponsors.
Ker Farking Ching!
Unsurprisingly Ms Benson was unimpressed with Locog's greed, given that she has been working on the exhibition plan for 12 years (long before Britain won the rights to host the games).
There is now some good news for Ms Benson, following a public outcry over Locog's greed they have backed down and have now allowed her to use "2012".
As I have stated many times, the Olympics is not about sport but about money.
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Monday, June 13, 2011
Quel Dommage!
The site crashed at the very moment it first opened today at 8am BST.
Needless to say, the Brits are being blamed for the first day crash. It seems, according to the Telegraph, that there was such a rush of British expats to pre register that the French site could not cope and fell over.
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Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Golden Cheesegrater
Aside from the fact that (as it is studded with holes) it looks like a giant cheese grater, it also apparently fails wrt its green credentials.
Seemingly organisers had led people to believe that the torch would be the first low carbon one.
Guess what?
They reneged on their promise, it isn't!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
Septic Bladder will have a free chauffeur driven car, on call for 24 hours a day, which will use the special Olympic lanes in London. Bladder's family members will be given special passes that entitles them to all events, and they will be able to stay at the Hilton Hotel on Park Lane.
The Olympics is not about sport, but about money and junkets; FIFA will feel right at home here!
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
"Value For Money" Olympics Tickets
You can still by tickets for prime events at the games.
For example, in the event that you want to attend the 100m finals you can buy tickets (minimum of 10) for a corporate hospitality package costing a "mere" £270K for 10.
Value for money by anyone's standards!
As Locog said, they wanted the ticketing application process to be as fair as possible!
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Friday, June 3, 2011
Despite the fact that the ban on overnight deliveries is in place in order to prevent residents being disturbed, the Olympics takes priority as roads will need to be kept clear during the day so that they can be used by athletes and Olympic VIPs.
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Thursday, June 2, 2011
Sebastian Coe Evades A Ticket Question
10. How much interest is Locog earning on the ticket revenue?
A. Any income received from ticket sales forms part of Locog's £2billion budget to stage the Games. We constantly balance our income with our costs.
In the event anyone within Locog actually knows the answer to this, and has the guts to answer it, please let me know.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
250,000 Miss Out On Olympic Tickets
However, it is quite likely that these two gentlemen will be able to attend the games; as the government has applied for 9,000 tickets (for VIPs and civil servants) and local authorities have also been allowed to buy tickets (outwith the ballot, using taxpayers' money)
Did Locog not tell these queue jumpers that the daft ticket ballot procedure that they designed was meant to be fair?
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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Olympic Ticket Debit Deadline
The Telegraph reports that most applicants appear to have received between 10%-20% of what they applied for.
However, the successful applicants (despite being charged now) will not be told until next month what they have got.
The "lottery nature" of the allocation process has effectively forced fans to bid for more than they actually want, in order to increase their chances of being successful. All very well if you have the funds to gamble in this manner, not so easy for those fans who are less well off.
Was it not Locog who claimed that they wanted the ticket purchasing process to be fair?
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Friday, May 27, 2011
The Ongoing Olympic Ticket Farce - Deadlines Change
Locog now claim that they started taking cash for tickets on Wednesday, and hope to have collected the vast majority of funds within a week.
Locog claim that the process should be completed by June 10.
Wednesday was originally the deadline for having collected the majority of the money owed.
Good isn't it?
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
Train and Tube Service Improved For Games
Allegedly, according to the Olympics hype, more than 2,000 extra services will run during the Games in late July and early August 2012, and more than 1,500 extra services will be laid on during the Paralympics in late August and early September.
There will be train departures from London as late as 1.30am, whilst some tube services will leave central London as late as 2am.
Network Rail has suspended all disruptive engineering work on rail routes serving Olympic venues from the end of June to early September 2012. There will also be no weekend closures on London Underground.
All very nice, if this actually happens.
However, given that the transport system could do with improvements such as this irrespective of the Olympics, why are these improvements not made permanent?
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Ongoing Olympic Ticket Farce - Midnight Deadline
According to the Guardian, Locog still claim that their "fluid" deadline stands; despite the fact there is little evidence that many people have seen money moved from their accounts.
Lord Coe admits that the ticketing system is not perfect, no kidding!?
However, he claims that Locog were right not to publicise the fact that British citizens could have bought tickets for the games (on a first come, first served basis) from foreign websites.
For why?
Locog were protecting the applicants from scammers. very noble of them!
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Ongoing Olympic Ticket Farce
However, the BBC has yet to come across a single applicant who has had a card debited.
Meanwhile sites that are selling tickets to European citizens (BTW, Britain is part of Europe) have been inundated, eg the Sportsworld website states:
"Please Note: We are currently reviewing existing ticket orders and as a result there are no London 2012 Olympic Games tickets available until further notice."
It would appear that had British ticket applicants known about legitimate (be warned there are scam sites popping up like mushrooms) sites selling tickets (that confirm whether or not an application is successful immediately) they would have used them, rather than submitting themselves to the inconvenience and financial risk of Locog's incredibly daft and cumbersome process.
In the unlikely event that anyone has actually had some money debited by Locog, please feel free to drop me a line.
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Monday, May 23, 2011
Olympic Ticket Farce Continues
How is this possible?
The Telegraph reports that non UK websites are offering almost a million tickets for specific events at face value.
The tickets have been passed to authorised resellers by more than 200 Olympic committees around the world.
Well done Locog!
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
Money Up Front
It has begun to deduct money from applicants' bank accounts. However, it may be as late as 24 June before those charged know what tickets they have been allocated.
Why do it in this manner?
Locog have provided the answer to the Telegraph:
"It is really our ability to nail our revenues from tickets."
As noted before on this site, the Olympics are about money not sport.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The Legacy of Failure
"The London ODA continues to heap embarrassment and opprobrium upon itself, not content with allowing the budget to run out of control and not even being able to set a firm price for the stadium, they have now managed to attract derision and scorn for the lousy design of the 2012 London Olympics stadium.
The design was revealed yesterday, with all the usual hype and pr spin usually reserved for a third world dictatorship.
The result?
A very predictable damp squib.
A boring oval shaped stadium that has no defining features of beauty or originality, and worse it will have to down size from a capacity of 80,000 during the games to 25,000 afterwards.
Simple, there is no need for a stadium in that part of London. At best it will used, maybe, by a football club."
Today the Telegraph states that "the London Olympic board was warned by its own advisers more than three years ago that a Premier League football club would be incompatible with athletics if a permanent track was retained in the main stadium".
In other words, the "legacy" of athletics stadium and football stadium suits no one.
However, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that West Ham have been relegated from the Premiership, means that they no longer fit the criteria of a "premier League club" as defined by the report.
Problem solved!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
West Ham Committed
They cite West Ham's fragile finances and its relegation from the Premier League.
However, West Ham claim to remain committed.
The Telegraph states that whatever the impact of demotion on the club's finances, it will not changes plans to make the £486M stadium their new home after the London 2012 Games.
"We remain totally committed to it. Our target is to move there in three football seasons time and we would hope that we would return to the Premier League as soon as possible."
No problem then.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Day of Reckoning
Money will start to be withdrawn from the accounts of those who have been allocated tickets today.
However, owing to the rather flawed ticket purchasing process, Logoc won't inform the buyers that money has been taken.
Some people may well be in for a financial shock in the coming days, if they were foolish enough to order more tickets than they could afford to pay for.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Spurs Fights On
However, Tottenham Hotspur their rivals for the stadium were not happy and last month launched an application for a judicial review into Newham Council's role in arranging a £40M loan to finance West Ham's move to the stadium.
The Telegraph reports that Spurs have taken further action and have asked the High Court to start a separate judicial review into the roles of several other key parties involved in awarding West Ham the stadium.
A Tottenham statement read:
"The club has today sought permission from the High Court to bring a claim against the Olympic Park Legacy Company Limited, the Mayor of London, the Minister for Sport and the Olympics and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for judicial review of a series of decisions made by them to appoint a joint bid by the London Borough of Newham and West Ham United Football Club as preferred bidder in a competition for the lease of the Olympic Stadium.
As previously reported, the club continues to hold discussions with both local and national government bodies in order to seek to agree a feasible stadium solution."
Sour grapes, or is this equivalent to the FIFA scandal now developing?
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Ticketing Cock Up
This delay leaves the 1.8 million ticket applicants in limbo for at least another week.
Well done lads!
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Monday, May 9, 2011
The Olympic Bribe
Media reports indicate that the government is preparing to offer Tube workers pay rises, designed to be large enough to "persuade" the RMT not to strike during the games.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011
Style Over Substance
It has ruled that women players must wear dresses or skirts, irrespective of whether they wear shorts/trousers underneath.
For why?
The Telegraph quotes Paisan Rangsikitpho, the BWF deputy president, who said that there was no sexism involved in the decision but that the federation wanted to differentiate the women's game.
"We need to be able to able to differentiate the women's game and the ruling is part of a larger campaign to enhance the presentation profile of the sport.
This is to help attract a wider target group amongst both younger and older people, and amongst both women and men, where an aesthetic and stylish presentation of the players is certainly an important factor."
Surely people can tell the difference between male and female badminton players, irrespective of whether they are in shorts, skirts, dresses or trousers?
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Olympic Debt
The average ticket application apparently exceeds 10 per person and, with an average ticket price of between £50 and £200, Moneywise predict that applicants are set to receive bills of hundreds or even thousands of pounds in the next few weeks.
Given that reselling on the open market is illegal, the ticket applicants faced with more tickets than they need can either wait to sell them on next year through an official re-selling platform, or sell them to family and friends (not on the open market).
Maybe it would have been easier and less expensive for Olympics fans simply to watch the Olympics on TV from the comfort of their own homes?
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Thursday, April 28, 2011
20 Million Ticket Registrations
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Ticket Website Crashes
Locog extended the deadline to 1am this morning (61 minutes beyond the original 11.59pm deadline) as the site was overwhelmed by millions of last minute applications.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Ticket Deadline
Prices range from £20 to £2,012.
However, London 2012 chairman Lord Coe has warned that only 50% of tickets for the major events could be available to the public after sponsors are allocated their share.
Applications will be processed in May and June, and those who have been successful will be notified by 24 June.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
'Which?' is of the view that too many hurdles are placed in front of the prospective ticket buyers.
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Friday, April 15, 2011
Change Your Habits!
It seems that the organisers of the London 2012 Olympics are fearful that London's Victorian transport system is not going to be up to the job of coping with the vast increase in passengers that the Olympics is expect to bring.
The solution?
Simple, the London Assembly transport committee want a third of commuters to change their habits.
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