The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympics.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Team GB Deficit

Aside form the £12BN or so costs of holding the 2012 London Olympics, there is the small matter of actually funding the British athletes.

Team GB currently faces a £50M shortfall in its budget. As a result of the shortfall some events may take place without British competitors.

The British Olympic Association has joined with other 2012 stakeholders to raise extra cash through a new "Team 2012" sponsorship programme, and tap the public for more funds (outwith the tax that they are already paying).

In theory, if the public pay up, they might be able to raise around £10M - £20M.

Olympic Medals won during the Beijing 2008 Olympics

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1 comment:

  1. What funding? They are just a load of Brits who fancy running and throwing things as a job, rather than working in an office or a factory and earning honest money. If they want to play sport let 'em fund themselves. There are plenty of buses and trains into London so they don't need to live in a ponsy village.
