The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympics.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Months of Olympic Chaos

It seems that mere mortals in Woolwich, not lucky enough to be granted special travel lanes/travel arrangements for the Olympics, will be suffering some considerable travel inconvenience during (and indeed in the 9 months preceding) the London Olympics.

The Olympics Delivery Authority (ODA) will be closing roads around the 2012 shooting venue, up to nine months before the event. Ha Ha Road, Repository Road and Circular Way will be closed before and during the Games.

The ODA planning application also shows that sports fields will be closed, and an unspecified number of trees felled.

I am sure that the residents of Woolwich will bear their inconvenience with fortitude!

After all the Olympics is such a "worthy, well supported and popular cause", isn't it?

Olympic Medals won during the Beijing 2008 Olympics

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